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Are there any cars that have seatbelts designed with women in mind?

Q. I drive a manual petrol Skoda Octavia. It’s a very comfortable car except for — as with all cars I’ve tried — the driver’s seatbelt. It has two positions: strangulation or mastectomy. When will designers realise women are a different shape from men — and that women usually have the seat further forward? Are there any cars that have seatbelts designed with women in mind?BB, Little Shelford, Cambridgeshire
A. It’s clear that for years car designers and safety testers have overlooked the fundamental physical differences between sexes. As a result, seatbelts are often less comfortable for women. They may also be less safe. Studies have shown that women are more likely to be injured than men in similar collisions.
Changes are being made, and more representative crash test dummies are being developed. In the meantime, most cars have height adjustment on the door pillar fixing point, which should allow you find a comfortable position across the shoulder (the belt shouldn’t cross your neck).
Additionally, there are a number of products available to add extra cushioning to the belt, or adjust the way it crosses your chest. Adjusters should carry the ECE R44 label to indicate they’ve been tested. Most are designed for children but serve the same purpose. Autosafe produce one, as seen on Dragons’ Den and this has been reviewed by What Car? magazine.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution, as people come in many different shapes and sizes, but hopefully you can find a product that meets your needs.
Q. Several new cars have recently been stolen in my area. I thought manufacturers had solved the problem of keyless thefts?MA, Surrey
A. Car theft is big business, and criminals have always only been one step behind carmakers in finding ways around security systems. As new technologies are developed, criminals work quickly to find weak spots to exploit. The most effective deterrent is a visual one, such as a steering wheel lock. While not impervious to attack, a car fitted with a steering wheel locking device will be less attractive to a car thief, who will most likely move on to an easier target.
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